Ratanakiri became a province of Kingdom of Cambodia in 1960 under King Norodom Sihanouk’s reign. Banlung is the capital city of Ratanakiri, situated in the highland, along the National Road No19 from Ou porng Moan to the Vietnam border about 200 km. (Ou´ porng Moan-Banlung is about 120km, Banlung-Vietnam 80k.m).
Ratanakiri is situated on the north – east plateau, 636 Km from Phnom Penh. It is bordering Vietnam on the east, Laos PDR on the North, Steung Treng on the West and Mondul Kiri on the South. There are two rivers crossing the province (Sre Pork and Sresan River).
A sparsely populated province, it is renowned for its unique natural beauty and wealth of natural resources. The physical and environmental characteristic of the province forms an impressive range including undulating hills and mountains, a level plateau, watershed lowlands, crater lakes, rivers and waterfalls. Forest cover varies from area to area, from the dense impenetrable forest in the northern reaches, which are still rich in wildlife, to the drier and sparser forest, found in the southwest. Similarly, the soil type’s present range from rich volcanic soil to the sandy soil found near rivers.Thus Ratanakiri province offers wonderful opportunities for Eco-tourism in Cambodia.