International Half Marathon


International Half Marathon

This tournament is a race internationally recognized charity for the relief of victims of antipersonnel mines in Cambodia, the NGO participants from all over the world and running a lot of Japanese enthusiasts, we make up in 1996. There is great international races that can run inside the ruins of Angkor a World Heritage Site, landmine victims has been more attendance.
Has been held every year in order to give people courage and hope to victims of land mines, mankind has not reached the century miserable again, toward the world continue to appeal to “inhuman ban on the use of antipersonnel mines.”

Pchum Ben Day

Pchum Ben, founded during the dawn of Angkor, still casts a strong influence over today’s…

Water And Moon Festival

The water festival had background for so long time. The water festival ceremony is the army…

International Half Marathon

This tournament is a race internationally recognized charity for the relief of victims of antipersonnel…

Water And Moon Festival


Water And Moon Festival

The water festival had background for so long time. The water festival ceremony is the army training to do attest of the army for preparing to do a battle. In the history, Khmer King always does the battle with enemies by sailing. So he prepares this water festival ceremony every year to choose Champion of sailing battle, as in Bayon Temple, Batteay Chhmar in the Preah Bat Jayvarman VII. We had seen a lot of statues about sailing battle under leading of Jayvarman VII. The custom of this is to have from then up to the present.

On the other hand the water is celebrated every years in November to honor the victory of Cambodian Naval forces in the reign of King JayvarmanVII, during Angkor period of the 12th century.

And this ceremony is to history about military exercise of our navy force in the course of national defense and to express thanks to the 3 Buddhist symbols Gods and holy thing which helped us and agriculture field and serves as an opportunity to pray for our lord for the happiness and sufficient rain for rice cultivation.

Pchum Ben Day

Pchum Ben, founded during the dawn of Angkor, still casts a strong influence over today’s…

Water And Moon Festival

The water festival had background for so long time. The water festival ceremony is the army…

International Half Marathon

This tournament is a race internationally recognized charity for the relief of victims of antipersonnel…

Pchum Ben Day


Pchum Ben Day

Pchum Ben, founded during the dawn of Angkor, still casts a strong influence over today’s post-modern generation.

For fifteen days a year, the tormented spirits of the departed swarm silently into Cambodia’s Buddhist monasteries. The dead are here to search for their surviving kin who, by committing simple acts of kindness, can free them from the cycle of perpetual suffering.

Pchum Ben, the Khmer festival of the dead, has been an integral part of the Cambodian calendar for millennia. Now, senior members of the Buddhist order suggest it’s experiencing a renaissance: the number of teens and twenty-somethings making the annual pilgrimage to their local pagodas is, apparently, on the rise.

Pchum Ben Day

Pchum Ben, founded during the dawn of Angkor, still casts a strong influence over today’s…

Water And Moon Festival

The water festival had background for so long time. The water festival ceremony is the army…

International Half Marathon

This tournament is a race internationally recognized charity for the relief of victims of antipersonnel…

4th Angkor Empire Full & Half Marathon – 06 August 2017


4th Angkor Empire Full & Half Marathon - 06 August 2017

Angkor Empire Full & Half Marathon is held at one of the world’s famous heritages in the world, Angkor is a world heritage site by UNESCO since 1992. The race course is in the Angkor Wat area in with the most famous Angkor Wat ruins.

Stretching over some 400 sq. km, Angkor contains the magnificent remains of several capitals of the Khmer Empire, from the 9th to the 15th century CE. These include the famous temple of Angkor Wat and, Angkor Thom and the Bayon Temple with its countless sculptural decorations. Come join this amazing marathon event and experience the beautiful route through a truly historic site!

Pchum Ben Day

Pchum Ben, founded during the dawn of Angkor, still casts a strong influence over today’s…

Water And Moon Festival

The water festival had background for so long time. The water festival ceremony is the army…

International Half Marathon

This tournament is a race internationally recognized charity for the relief of victims of antipersonnel…

Royal Ploughing Ceremony “Bon Chroat Preah Nongkoal” 03 May 2018


Royal Ploughing Ceremony “Bon Chroat Preah Nongkoal” 03 May 2018

The Royal Ploughing Ceremony is solemnly celebrated at the beginning of the sowing and planting season. Every year in May, the event will be held next to the Royal Palace in an open field near the National Museum. Cambodia has deep connection with earth and farming. There is a deep astrological belief that royal oxen known in Khmer as Usapheak Reach, have an instrumental role in determining the fate of the agricultural harvest each year. At this festival, both men and women wear brightly colored Khmer traditional costume.

Pchum Ben Day

Pchum Ben, founded during the dawn of Angkor, still casts a strong influence over today’s…

Water And Moon Festival

The water festival had background for so long time. The water festival ceremony is the army…

International Half Marathon

This tournament is a race internationally recognized charity for the relief of victims of antipersonnel…

Angkor Sangkran


Angkor Sangkran

The Angkor Sangkran celebration will again be a feature of Khmer New Year’s observances in Siem Reap. This is the third year the Sangkran will be held, but this year it will be bigger, more exciting and more interesting than last year, according to Union of Youth Federations of Cambodia. Angkor Sangkran will be celebrated in front of Angkor Wat temple, Bayon Temple, and Elephant Terrace, along the Siem Reap River, in the Angkor Gyeongju area and in Pub Street.

Visitors will be able to participate in traditional Khmer games, such as the Bas Angkunh or seed throwing, Haol Chhoung or twisted-scarf throwing, and Leak Kanséng or twisted-scarf hiding. Participants will also be able to dance together to traditional Khmer songs.

Pchum Ben Day

Pchum Ben, founded during the dawn of Angkor, still casts a strong influence over today’s…

Water And Moon Festival

The water festival had background for so long time. The water festival ceremony is the army…

International Half Marathon

This tournament is a race internationally recognized charity for the relief of victims of antipersonnel…

Gondola Sunset Boat Rides


Gondola Sunset Boat Rides

Come and discover a natural wonders, hidden treasures of the historical site and cultures. Travel the waterway where history, nature and culture come alive. You will enjoys and views like the past, photographing along the Angkor Thom Great Wall. You can see a beautiful sunset with never see before.

Take a small, private boat out to Prasat Chrung Temple to watch the amazing sunset. The lesser-known temple is set on top of a hill in the Angkor complex, so it offers excellent views and it is an ideal spot to watch the sun go down.

Bird Sanctuary

A somewhat smaller floating village, it is the starting point for bird watching tours to…

Floating Villages

There are actually several so-called floating villages located on, and around the Tonle Sap…

Smile Of Angkor Show

The Smile of Angkor Grand Epic Show in Siem Reap is a show about the history and culture of Cambodia…

Cultural Village


Cultural Village

The Cambodian Cultural Village is designed to provide tourists with an excellent insight into the life and culture of the Cambodians; their traditions and practices, etc. In all, eleven villages or sectors, each a showcase of different landmarks and providing a peek into the lifestyles of the people from various provinces including the ethnic minorities.

Like a theme park, tourists are treated to miniatures of historical buildings, stone carvings, wood works and many forms of arts and crafts. There are performances; dances of the ethnic groups, traditional wedding ceremony, circus acts, acrobats, elephant shows, Khmer boxing, the famous Apsara dance and more to entertain the tourists.

Bird Sanctuary

A somewhat smaller floating village, it is the starting point for bird watching tours to…

Floating Villages

There are actually several so-called floating villages located on, and around the Tonle Sap…

Smile Of Angkor Show

The Smile of Angkor Grand Epic Show in Siem Reap is a show about the history and culture of Cambodia…

Cello Concert


Cello Concert

Every Thursday and Saturday, the conference hall of Jayavarman VII Hospital becomes the venue for Dr Beat Richner to perform Bach on his cello.

An accomplished entertainer who used to act as a singing clown in Switzerland, Beatocello however now performs as a cellist primarily to collect money for the activities of his Kantha Bopha hospitals that also include a maternity ward for HIV mothers. The performance is followed by a video, which throws light on social prejudices in the country.

Bird Sanctuary

A somewhat smaller floating village, it is the starting point for bird watching tours to…

Floating Villages

There are actually several so-called floating villages located on, and around the Tonle Sap…

Smile Of Angkor Show

The Smile of Angkor Grand Epic Show in Siem Reap is a show about the history and culture of Cambodia…

Phare The Cambodian Circus


Phare The Cambodian Circus

An astonishing immersion into Cambodian Modernity. Phare, The Cambodian Circus is the only venue in Cambodia featuring a daily theatrical circus show of international standard. Modern Cambodian tales are embodied by a new generation of talented artists trained in Battambang.

Coming from vulnerable households they gained international recognition through their art practice. The Cambodian Circus is a tool to build the careers of Cambodian artists, to contribute in the reviving of the Cambodian art scenes and to sustain the artistic, educational and social programs of the association. Daily performances. Show starts at 7h30 pm.

Bird Sanctuary

A somewhat smaller floating village, it is the starting point for bird watching tours to…

Floating Villages

There are actually several so-called floating villages located on, and around the Tonle Sap…

Smile Of Angkor Show

The Smile of Angkor Grand Epic Show in Siem Reap is a show about the history and culture of Cambodia…


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