Phnom Kulen National Park


Phnom Kulen National Park

Situated about 50km north of Siem Reap, Phnom Kulen National Park is one of the most revered destinations in Cambodia, as it features Kulen Mountain. Once referred to as the Mount Mahendraparvata – the Kulen Mountain is a cultural and historical resort that marked the origin of Khmer empire in the 9th century when King Jayavarman II announced independence from Java and declared himself as the ‘Chakravartin,’ meaning universal king.

Stretching for more than 13km down to the Angkor Plain, the Phnom Kulen is home to a slew of temple ruins and several centuries-old consecrated carvings as well as sculptures. Further, since most of the areas in Phnom Kulen are still untouched, this allows visitors to immerse in the cool, spellbinding attractions that nature itself offers by way of jungle-covered verdant surroundings, rivers and dazzling waterfalls.

Kampot - Sea Food

Is a small town on the Tuk Chhou River, 5km inland from the sea? Fishing and farming are…

Phnom Kulen National Park

Situated about 50km north of Siem Reap, Phnom Kulen National Park is one of the most revered…


Ratanakiri became a province of Kingdom of Cambodia in 1960 under King Norodom Sihanouk’s…

Kampot – Sea Food


Kampot - Sea Food

Is a small town on the Tuk Chhou River, 5km inland from the sea? Fishing and farming are the main activities; durians and melons grow in abundance. To the south end of town is a large dusty traffic circle with three hotels arrayed around it – Phnom Kieu, Phnom Kamchay and Tuk Chhou.

Each has its own restaurants; Tuk Chhou offers a seedy nightclub. Also on the circle is Prachummith Restaurant, close by is Amar Restaurant. To the south near the river is the GPO and telecommunications building. At the north end of town, about 1.5 km away, is the Central Market, with food stalls. All Kampot transportation is concentrated within range of the market-cycle, motors, taxis, trucks, and buses. The railway station lies farther north. There’s zero of interest in Kampot except to walk around town and look at crumbling French-built blue-shuttered shop fronts. Previously Kampot was a stepping-stone to Bokor and Kep. You can reach Kampot by irregular plane service from Phnom Penh. It’s not advisable to get there by car. It takes about 5 hours to cover the 150 km from Phnom Penh to Kampot.

Kampot - Sea Food

Is a small town on the Tuk Chhou River, 5km inland from the sea? Fishing and farming are…

Phnom Kulen National Park

Situated about 50km north of Siem Reap, Phnom Kulen National Park is one of the most revered…


Ratanakiri became a province of Kingdom of Cambodia in 1960 under King Norodom Sihanouk’s…

Mondulkiri – Minority


Mondulkiri – Minority

This province is chock full of natural beauty, with thickly forested mountains, powerful waterfalls and the lush green rolling hills of the western side. Add to that the communities of hill tribe people who are not affected by mass-tourism, as they are in neighboring Thailand, and you have an area that is very attractive to the adventure traveler. The town of Sen Monorom is the best base camp for travelers who want to explore the surrounding areas.

A quiet but beautiful town nestled into the hills; it has a lot of potential to develop into a center for non-intrusive eco-tourism. At present, it’s much undeveloped, which gives you a feeling of going somewhere off the beaten tourist trail. Also interesting is the variety of languages being used: Khmer, hill tribe languages, Vietnamese and Laos.

Kampot - Sea Food

Is a small town on the Tuk Chhou River, 5km inland from the sea? Fishing and farming are…

Phnom Kulen National Park

Situated about 50km north of Siem Reap, Phnom Kulen National Park is one of the most revered…


Ratanakiri became a province of Kingdom of Cambodia in 1960 under King Norodom Sihanouk’s…

Tonlé Sap Lake


Tonlé Sap Lake

The Tonlé Sap Lake is the largest freshwater lake in Southeast Asia. During the dry season the lake drains into the Tonle Sap River which flows into the Mekong River. But in the rainy season (June to October), the huge amount of water in the Mekong causes the Tonlé Sap River to reverse its flow.

The combination of water flowing into the lake, and the backup of the Tonle Sap River swells the lake to 5-times its size in the dry season. This increase in size floods the surrounding floodplain and forests, creating an incredibly diverse and rich eco-system.

Kampot - Sea Food

Is a small town on the Tuk Chhou River, 5km inland from the sea? Fishing and farming are…

Phnom Kulen National Park

Situated about 50km north of Siem Reap, Phnom Kulen National Park is one of the most revered…


Ratanakiri became a province of Kingdom of Cambodia in 1960 under King Norodom Sihanouk’s…

Freshwater Dolphin-Spark


Freshwater Dolphin-Spark

Is a sleepy Mekong River town situated on the east bank of the mighty river.It’s very picturesque with sandbars and big islands out front and bends in the river. Unlike in many towns around Cambodia, the war years were fairly kind to the French architecture and the roads, at least in the town itself. There are some nice-looking homes of French and Khmer style scattered about, adding to the pleasant feel of the place.

The rare freshwater Irrawaddy dolphins make their home in the Mekong River, just north of Kratie. With only around fifteen to twenty remaining, they are worth a visit. Whether you are just on a trip seeing the river towns along the Mekong or taking a full circuit trip around the east and northeast, Kratie is a nice place to spend a night or two.

Kampot - Sea Food

Is a small town on the Tuk Chhou River, 5km inland from the sea? Fishing and farming are…

Phnom Kulen National Park

Situated about 50km north of Siem Reap, Phnom Kulen National Park is one of the most revered…


Ratanakiri became a province of Kingdom of Cambodia in 1960 under King Norodom Sihanouk’s…




Situated to the East of the Angkor Park the Roluos group of temples were one of the earliest of the Khmer Capital cities. The Bakong, pictured above, is a highly significant pre-Angkorian site; built in the 9th century by King Indravarman I The temple surrounded by a moat has a five stepped pyramid with a lotus flower tower at its summit. This tower was an addition built in the 12 the century. in Angkor Wat style. Two other temple sites: Preah Ko and Lolei were built at the same time. Preah Ko, the temple of the Sacred bull, consists of three brick towers with a Nandi or Sacred Bull sculpture in front. The brick towers have impressive lintels, Apsaras and the remains of some the original decorative stucco .


Ta Prohm’s state of ruin is a state of beauty, which is investigated with delight and left with regret.


Kbal Spean lies 50 kilometers northeast of Siem Reap pro-vincial town or about 18 kilometers from…


Situated to the East of the Angkor Park the Roluos group of temples were one of the earliest of the…




Kbal Spean is an Angkorian era archaeological site on the southwest slopes of the Kulen Hills to the northeast of Angkor in Siem Reap District, Siem Reap Province, Cambodia. Kbal Spean lies 50 kilometers northeast of Siem Reap pro-vincial town or about 18 kilometers from Banteay Srei on a dirt road. It takes from one to two hours to get there from the provincial town. The original River of Thousand Lingams, Kbal Spean is an intricately carved riverbed deep in the foothills of the Cam-bodian jungle. Lingams are phallic representations sacred to Brahmanism as symbols of fertility, and hundreds of them are carved into the rock here, as are several carvings of gods and animals above the small waterfall.

Kbal Spean lies 50 kilometers northeast of Siem Reap pro-vincial town or about 18 kilometers from Banteay Srei on a dirt road. It takes from one to two hours to get there from the provincial town. The original River of Thousand Lingams, Kbal Spean is an intricately carved riverbed deep in the foothills of the Cam-bodian jungle. Lingams are phallic representations sacred to Brahmanism as symbols of fertility, and hundreds of them are carved into the rock here, as are several carvings of gods and animals above the small waterfall.


Ta Prohm’s state of ruin is a state of beauty, which is investigated with delight and left with regret.


Kbal Spean lies 50 kilometers northeast of Siem Reap pro-vincial town or about 18 kilometers from…


Situated to the East of the Angkor Park the Roluos group of temples were one of the earliest of the…




Ta Prohm’s state of ruin is a state of beauty, which is investigated with delight and left with regret. Ta Prohm is locating southwest of the East Mebon and east of Angkor Thom. Its outer enclosure is near the corner of Banteay Kdei. It can be accessed by enter the monument from the west and leave from the east entrance. Tip: Ta Prohm is especially serene and beautiful in the early morning. A torch and a compass are useful for visiting this temple at all times. It was built about mid-12th century to early 13th century (1186) by the King Jayavarman VII, dedicated to the mother of the king (Buddhist) replica to Bayon style of art.


Ta Prohm’s state of ruin is a state of beauty, which is investigated with delight and left with regret.


Kbal Spean lies 50 kilometers northeast of Siem Reap pro-vincial town or about 18 kilometers from…


Situated to the East of the Angkor Park the Roluos group of temples were one of the earliest of the…




Considered by many to be the jewel in the crown of Angkorian art, Banteay Srei is cut from stone of a pinkish hue and includes some of the finest stone carving anywhere on earth. Begun in AD 967, it is one of the smallest sites at Angkor, but what it lacks in size it makes up for in stature.The art gallery of Angkor, Banteay Srei, a Hindu temple dedicated to Shiva, is wonderfully well preserved and many of its carvings are three-dimensional.

Banteay Srei means ‘Citadel of the Women’ and it is said that it must have been built by a woman, as the elaborate carvings are supposedly too fine for the hand of a man. Banteay Srei is one of the few temples around Angkor to be commissioned not by a king but by a brahman, who may have been a tutor to Jayavarman V. The temple is square and has entrances at the east and west, with the east approached by a causeway. Of interest are the lavishly decorated libraries and the three central towers, which are decorated with male and female divinities and beautiful filigree relief work.


Ta Prohm’s state of ruin is a state of beauty, which is investigated with delight and left with regret.


Kbal Spean lies 50 kilometers northeast of Siem Reap pro-vincial town or about 18 kilometers from…


Situated to the East of the Angkor Park the Roluos group of temples were one of the earliest of the…




Angkor Thom is undeniably an expression of the highest genius. It is, in three dimensions and on a scale worthy of an entire nation, the materialization of Buddhist cosmology, representing ideas that only great painters would dare to portray.

Angkor Thom, the last capital of the Khmer Empire, was a fortified cit enclosing residences of priest, officials of the palace and military, as well as buildings for administering the kingdom. South Gate of Angkor Thom These structures were built of wood and have perished but the remaining stone monuments testify that Angkor Thom was indeed a “Great City” as its name implies. Temples inside the walls of the city described in this article are Bayon, Phimeanakas, Baphuon, Terrace of the Elephants, Terrace of the Leper King, Prah Palilay, Tep Pranam and Prasat Suor Prat.

The Royal Palace situated within the city of Angkor Thom is of an earlier date and belonged to kings of the tenth and first half of the tenth and first half of the eleventh centuries. Although the foundations and an enclosing wall around the palace with entry towers have been identified, little evidence remains of the layout of the buildings inside the enclosure. This absence of archaeological evidence of the royal buildings suggests that they were constructed of wood and have perished.


Ta Prohm’s state of ruin is a state of beauty, which is investigated with delight and left with regret.


Kbal Spean lies 50 kilometers northeast of Siem Reap pro-vincial town or about 18 kilometers from…


Situated to the East of the Angkor Park the Roluos group of temples were one of the earliest of the…


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